Angela Devlin

Angela Devlin

UBC Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, BCCHR
[email protected]

Angela completed her PhD at UBC followed by postdoctoral training at University of California Davis (nutritional genomics) and the University of Iowa (vascular biology). She returned to Vancouver in 2005 and is currently a Professor in the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, at the University of British Columbia; and the Associate Director, Foundational Science at the British Columbia Children’s Hospital Research Institute. She leads the BCCHR Healthy Starts Research Group and is Co-director of the Women+ and Children’s Health Research graduate program in the UBC Faculty of Medicine.

Angela’s research program encompasses discovery and clinical studies focused on determining roles for prenatal and childhood dietary and metabolic factors on the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A particular focus is on identifying targets to prevent cardiometabolic complications in high-risk children, such as those with mental health conditions and type 1 diabetes. Her research program is supported by funding from CIHR, NSERC, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, and the Canucks for Kids Fund.

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