BC diabetes researchers connect in Kelowna

BC diabetes researchers connect in Kelowna

UBCO Diabetes Research Day 2019

Diabetes researchers from across British Columbia connected in Kelowna June 19 & 20 for the 2nd annual UBCO Diabetes Research Day. The meeting was held at the Hotel Eldorado on the shores of Okanagan Lake, a lakeside fixture of Kelowna since 1926.

UBCO Diabetes Research Day 2019 focussed on prevention of diabetes and was designed over 2 days to allow trainees and faculty from Vancouver to travel to Kelowna. The two day interprovincial meeting demonstrated the high quality of research being conducted at both the Kelowna and Vancouver UBC campuses.

Two keynote speakers joined the meeting; Dr Gillian Booth, Endocrinologist & Scientist in the Centre for Urban Health Solutions and Dr Tom Warshawski, Kelowna Paediatrician and Chair of the Childhood Obesity Foundation delivered lively perspectives to inspire the delegates. Four faculty members shared their area of expertise; Glen Foster (UBCO), Jennifer Davis (UBCO), Deanna Gibson (UBCO), and Brian Rodrigues (UBC).

Thank you to everyone who participated in the meeting by presenting oral talks and posters.

Special congratulations to the outstanding award winners:

Claire Tugault-Lafleur- Supervisor Jennifer Black Best Oral Presentation: Obesity and Related Complications & Lifestyle Intervention and Behaviour themes

Austin Taylor-Supervisor Bruce Verchere Best Oral Presentation: Studies in Cardiovascular health and risk & Nutrition and Islet Studies theme

Jacqueline Barnett- Supervisor Deanna Gibson Best Poster Nutrition & Obesity

Sean Locke- Supervisor Mary Jung Best Poster Lifestyle Intervention and Behaviour

Rui Shang – Supervisor Brian Rodrigues Best Poster Cardiovascular Health & Risk

The meeting was made possible through funding from UBC Vancouver Office of the Vice President Research & Innovation and UBC Okanagan Office of the Vice Principal Research. We are grateful to our corporate sponsors Arrowleaf Cellars, Sun Rype and VWR for their support. Thank you to all the trainees who helped plan and coordinate UBCO Diabetes Research Day 2019!

Photo credit: Spero Ginis

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