BCDRN Trainee Virtual Travel Awards

BCDRN Trainee Virtual Travel Awards

American Diabetes Association 80th Virtual Scientific Sessions June 12-16, 2020

The BC Diabetes Research Network (BCDRN) is pleased to offer our trainees support to attend the upcoming American Diabetes Association Virtual 80th Scientific Sessions. These meetings are being held virtually from June 12-16, 2020.

BCDRN is offering “Virtual Travel Awards” to cover the discounted Student Registration Fee ($99 USD) for ADA’s Virtual 80th Scientific Sessions. BCDRN trainees are eligible for reimbursement if they are enrolled in graduate studies at UBC* with a focus on diabetes research.

Funding Opportunity is a 2 step process:

First register to attend the ADA meeting using a special group discount code. UBC has a special group discount code. If you have not received this code, e-mail: [email protected] to request the group discount code before you register for the ADA meeting.

Next, complete BCDRN Trainee Virtual Travel Award application and submit your ADA receipt for reimbursement through UBC.


Registration Information


Please follow the steps below to apply for BCDRN Trainee Virtual Travel Award.

  1. Visit BCDRN website to complete a Trainee Virtual Travel Award application: https://diabetesbc.ca/funding-opportunities/ 
  2. Upload your ADA confirmation/receipt and provide your UBC student number and mailing address on record with UBC.


Contact: [email protected]

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