Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2018 Awardees
Congratulations Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2018 Awardees.
The Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2018 planning committee received 50 abstracts from trainees from across British Columbia. Thank you to all 16 oral presenters and 34 poster presenters who contributed to VDRD 2018.
Congratulations to the awardees in the oral presentation and poster presentations categories.
Best Poster Presentations
Queenie Hui, Department of Surgery (Supervisor: Dr Lucy Marzban)
Heterogeneous expression of interleukin-1 receptor in islet beta-cells: implications in pathology and treatment of type 2 diabetes
Camilla Piatkowski, School of Population & Public Health (Supervisor: Dr. Louise Mâsse)
An in-depth look at how parent-child interactions and parenting practices shape children’s eating behaviours: A qualitative inquiry
Amanda Henderson, Department of Pediatrics (Supervisor: Dr Dina Panagiotopoulos)
Comparison of Perfusion & Volume Depletion Markers in Severe Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis with and without Acute Kidney Injury
Adam Ramzy, Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences (Supervisor: Dr Tim Kieffer)
Revisiting proinsulin processing: Evidence that human beta-cells lack prohormone convertase 2 and can produce mature insulin without its function
Faculty Choice Oral Presentation Award
Dominika Nackiewicz, Department of Experimental Medicine (Supervisor: Dr Bruce Verchere)
Islet macrophages are the islet source of IGF-1 and positively contribute to glucose homeostasis following pancreatic beta-cell death
Tomoko McGaughey School of Population and Public Health (Supervisor: Dr. Louise Mâsse)
Changes in youth health behaviours during the transition to secondary school
People’s Choice Oral Presentation Award
Michelle Kwon, Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Supervisor: Dr Tim Kieffer)
Leptin therapy suppresses alanine utilization in type 1 diabetic mice independent of glutanic pyruvic transaminase
Honourable Mention: Trainee Career Night Trivia Quiz Winner
Heather Denroche, Department of Surgery (Supervisor: Dr Bruce Verchere)