2021 Gairdner Symposium

2021 Gairdner Symposium

Date: Monday, October 25, 2:00– 3:35 pm PST

Hosted by Dr. Michael Hayden, Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia

This free inspiring public live lecture will feature:

  1. Dr. Daniel J Drucker MD
    Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award 2021
    Professor, Department of Medicine, the University of Toronto; Senior Scientist, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Sinai Health, Toronto, Ontario.

This year, he has been awarded the 2021 Canada Gairdner International Award for his research on glucagon-like peptides that have led to major advances in treating Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and intestinal disorders. Daniel’s research on the function of GLP-2 and its role as an intestinal growth factor helped develop treatments for short bowel disease, decreasing the need for feeding tubes to provide nutrition in children and adults with the condition.

  1. Dr. Rodolphe Barrangou Ph.D.
    Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award 2016
    Professor, Department of Food, Bioprocessing, and Nutrition Sciences, North Carolina State University.

 His research focused on understanding the genetic basis for health-promoting and technological properties of beneficial bacteria used in food fermentations. Barrangou concentrates on the characterization of CRISPR-Cas systems and their applications in bacteria. His work has spanned basic science to understand and decipher the genomics of lactic acid bacteria, develop novel technologies and apply them to develop and formulate next-generation bacterial strains. Rodolphe received several international awards for his CRISPR work, including the 2016 Canada Gairdner International Award.

Please see Vancouver Gairdner Symposium for more information.
Please see Gairdner Foundation for more information about the Gairdner Foundation.


Join via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 91128 854418

Passcode: 854418

For more information, please contact Samreen- [email protected]

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