Author: Meg Hughes

We are diabetes research in British Columbia!

Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2019Vancouver Diabetes Research Day (VDRD) was celebrated on November 14, 2019. This trainee-led scientific day is held annually to coincide with the World Health Organization’s “World...

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BCDRN Strategic Plan 2019-2024

BCDRN Strategic Plan 2019-2024On behalf of the BC Diabetes Research Network Steering Committee, our diabetes research faculty and trainee members, and our community partners we are pleased to share our...

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UBC Campaign: The potential is yours

When faced with our world’s most pressing challenges, we believe we can shape a different future.“If our research is successful, the impact would be unbelievable. The peace of...

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Western Region Islet Study Group 2019

Islet scientists from across the western region of North America gathered in Victoria, British Columbia for the Western Region Islet Study Group (WRISG) from October 9-11, 2019.Organized by the University...

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