MSc and PhD Positions Available: Rodrigues Lab at UBC

MSc and PhD Positions Available: Rodrigues Lab at UBC

The Rodrigues Lab at the University of British Columbia has a variety of exciting ongoing projects investigating cardiac metabolism and diabetes. Students will be responsible for the design and execution of research projects and will use animal modeling, cell culture (endothelial cells and cardiomyocyte isolation), and other molecular biology/biochemistry techniques. They will be expected to work well within a collaborative environment, present their data during research meetings, and submit their findings in the forms of a well-written manuscript and thesis.

Applicants should have a background in biochemistry, pharmacology, or a related field with relevant experience.

Please send a detailed CV, and a cover letter describing your research experience and interests to:

Dr. Brian Rodrigues

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The University of British Columbia

2405 Wesbrook Mall,

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3

E-mail: [email protected]


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