UBCO Diabetes Research Day 2022 was designed to gather and connect the diabetes research community in BC. After two years of only virtual meetings the academic diabetes research community reconnected in the Okanagan on May 25 & 26, 2022. Both UBC Okanagan and UBC Vancouver graduate trainees prepared and delivered presentations on the latest discoveries. For many graduate students, this was their first experience presenting their science in-person since starting their graduate studies. The meeting delegates spent two days immersed in diabetes research projects ranging from laboratory investigations at the molecular level to clinical research and community based research projects. All delegates shared the aim of improving the lives of those living with diabetes in British Columbia.
A highlight of the meeting was the keynote speakers who shared their wisdom and experience. UBC Okanagan’s Dr Mary Jung shared her passion for inclusivity in community based research. She inspired the next generation of health researchers to design inclusive research and strategies for low barriers to community engagement. Invited keynote Dr Dylan MacKay from the University of Manitoba shared his research that is improving the lives of not only people living with diabetes but their entire families through partnerships with Canadian grocery stores.
Attendees shared a few of the key lessons they gained from attending the meeting:
“I learned that BC is contributing a lot of research towards diabetes and this research spans multiple disciplines.”
“Learned a lot of scientific facts! But also how amazing this community of researchers are.”
“I learned more about how my biases might influence my research and how to try to prevent that.”
The meeting was made possible by the generous support of the UBC Vice President of Research Office’s Grant for Catalyzing Research Clusters program, the BC Diabetes Research Network’s grant from Novo Nordisk Canada, and meeting sponsors Meso Scale Discovery, Herbaland and Sun Rype who provided trainee awards and prizes for the delegates.
Congratulations to the recipients of the UBCO Diabetes Research Day 2022 People’s Choice Awardees for Best Presentations. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the meeting a success. We hope it is not three years until we can gather again for another UBCO Diabetes Research Day.