BC Diabetes Research Network secures funding
The BC Diabetes Research Network (BCDRN) has secured funding from the University of British Columbia to continue operating for two more years, The BCDRN is grateful for UBC’s continued support of its vision and mission.
The UBC Vice President of Research and Innovation Office announced the results of their fourth round of Grants for Catalyzing Research Clusters. Forty applications were funded in the 2022/23 competition with a mixture of established and emerging clusters. Link to full story –
The BC Diabetes Research Network is led by an expert steering committee of UBC faculty members from multiple campuses, Faculties, and Departments. The BCDRN was established in 2018 to build a provincial network for academic diabetes researchers. The network has over 500 members with research expertise ranging from “beta cells to bicycles”. Research areas include prevention, complications, patient oriented and discovery science with strength in islet cell biology and cell therapy.
During the course of the COVID19 pandemic the network pivoted to organize virtual knowledge translation events weekly, monthly and quarterly. In 2022, with the resumption of in person meetings, the network will resume hosting annual diabetes research conferences in the Okanagan and in Vancouver.
Thanks to the support from the UBC the BCDRN will be able to continue to build and amplify diabetes research across British Columbia.