CIHR Institute Advisory Board opportunities

CIHR Institute Advisory Board opportunities

The national Canadian Institutes of Health Research are recruiting academics to join their Institute Advisory Boards.

Application deadline: July 6, 2020.

The CIHR institutes recruiting new IAB members for the following institutes:

  1. Aging
  2. Cancer Research
  3. Circulatory and Respiratory Health
  4. Gender and Health
  5. Genetics
  6. Human Development, Child and Youth Health
  7. Indigenous Peoples’ Health
  8. Infection and Immunity
  9. Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis
  10. Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes
  11. Population and Public Health

More information about the IABs and renewal process is available on CIHR’s IAB website. 

For more information contact:

Tessa Cheng  PhD 
Health Research Development Officer, SPARC 
[email protected]

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