UBCO Diabetes Research Day 2018

UBCO Diabetes Research Day 2018

This fall over 100 diabetes researchers from across British Columbia gathered in Kelowna for the first UBCO Diabetes Research Day.  The two day meeting focussed on prevention research and demonstrated the high quality of diabetes research being conducted both at academic institutions and in communities across British Columbia.

There was a great deal of enthusiasm and excitement in the diabetes research community to hold a provincial meeting that brought members together from across institutions, faculties, departments and research institutes. Faculty and trainees from across BC including; University of British Columbia Vancouver, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Simon Fraser University, University of Northern British Columbia participated.

A highlight of the meeting was a trainee poster competition with over 22 projects highlighted. The location of the poster session was unique, at the Grey Monk Winery- established in 1972 the 75 acre property overlooks Lake Okanagan and provided a stunning backdrop for the scientific presentations and lively discussion. The event highlighted diabetes research in BC and the stunning natural beauty of the Okanagan Valley.


Photo credit Spero Ginis





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