Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2022

Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2022

Call for Abstracts

Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2022

Diabetes Research in BC: from beta cells to bicycles


University of British Columbia

Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2022

November 17, 2022


Registration and Submission Link

On behalf of the VDRD Diabetes Research Day Trainee Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite all interested parties to submit an abstract to present at Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2022 “Diabetes Research In BC: From beta cells to bicycles”.

Vancouver Diabetes Research Day will be held on Thursday, November 17 at the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute in Vancouver. Our invited keynote speaker this year is Dr Rebecca Hull-Meichle from the University of Washington and the VA Puget Sound Health Care System. Dr Hull-Meichle is the Director, Diabetes and the Islet Program at the University of Washington Medicine Diabetes Institute.

Graduate trainees involved in diabetes research in British Columbia are invited to submit a scientific abstract to present a poster or oral at the meeting. 

All trainees, faculty, clinicians and staff are welcome to attend in person but must register in advance as attendance will be limited to 100 delegates.


Submission deadline: October 28, 2022

Registration deadline: November 10, 2022





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