2018 BCDRN Trainee Travel Awardees

2018 BCDRN Trainee Travel Awardees

The BC Diabetes Research Network (BCDRN) would like to congratulate the trainees that are recipients of the inaugural 2018 BCDRN Trainee Travel Awards. The trainees were invited to present their research at national or international meetings related to their field of diabetes research. Our trainees presented their research in Canadian cities including Calgary, Ottawa and Halifax and international meetings in San Diego California and Berlin Germany. The BCDRN is delighted to be able to offer support for these trainees to gain experience presenting at these scientific knowledge exchange meetings. The BCDRN was able to support all the applications it received in 2018.


2018 British Columbia Diabetes Research Network Trainee Travel Awards


Silke Hansen, Simon Fraser University (Amed LabTHEME: Diabetes Risk & Prevention  

7th Annual Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Conference, Calgary, Alberta


Whitney Krieger, UBC (Soma LabTHEME: Diabetes Risk & Prevention   

Neuroscience 2018 – Society of Neuroscience Meeting 2018, San Diego, USA


Connie Leung, UBC (Clee LabTHEME: Islet Biology & Cell Therapy

54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Berlin, Germany


Lynn Kennedy, UBC (Amed LabTHEME: Diabetes Risk & Prevention  

7th Annual Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Conference, Calgary, Alberta


Shugo Sasaki, UBC (Lynn LabTHEME: Islet Biology & Cell Therapy    

2018 Till & McCulloch Meetings, Ottawa, Ontario


Thilo Speckmann, UBC (Lynn Lab) THEME: Islet Biology & Cell Therapy    

54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Berlin, Germany


Austin Taylor UBC (Verchere LabTHEME: Islet Biology & Cell Therapy    

Diabetes Canada 2018 Professional Conference & Annual Meetings, Halifax, Nova Scotia


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