We Are Diabetes Research in BC!

We Are Diabetes Research in BC!

Researchers from across the province of BC gathered in November for the fifth annual Vancouver Diabetes Research Day 2018. This event is an annual opportunity to connect, share, collaborate and celebrate the incredible diabetes research taking place in BC.

This event was held on November 16, 2018 at UBC Point Grey campus. The annual research day event showcases the depth of diabetes research across British Columbia. Research presented this year spanned translational research from beta cell to bedside. Two themes emerged: Genetics, Prevention, Patients and Complications of Diabetes and Islet Biology and Cell Therapy.

This trainee organized event brought together over 150 members from across British Columbia. The diabetes research community from across BC have had numerous opportunities to gather this past year thanks in large part to a UBC Grant for Catalyzing Research Clusters awarded in 2018 to support knowledge exchange activities.

We are grateful for the keynote speakers for their travel to Vancouver and for their contributions and inspiring presentations:

  • Dr Carla Greenbaum from Benaroya Institute in Seattle, Washington who presented “Disease-modelling therapy in Type 1 diabetes”
  • Dr Michael German, University of California San Francisco’s Diabetes Centre who presented “Beta-cell generation, regeneration and degeneration”

Thank you to our venue hosts:

  • UBC Life Sciences Institute
  • Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health

Thank you for the financial support of our sponsors:

  • BC Diabetes Research Network
  • Cedar-lane
  • Integrated DNA Technologies
  • Lilly Diabetes Canada
  • Meso Scale Discovery
  • NanoString Technologies
  • New England BioLabs Ltd
  • Solo GI Nutrition
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific

And thank to our community partners for their participation and support:

  • Cities Changing Diabetes

We invite everyone to participate again next year in the annual celebration of diabetes research in British Columbia. We will hold the meeting the week of November 14, 2019 to coincide with World Diabetes Day.

Event information will be posted on the BC Diabetes Research Network web-site: www.diabetesBC.ca


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